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4 Ways To Increase Height

What is the best way to increase body height.
What is the most cost-effective.
Who are the resources that provide these services.
I would prefer professionals in the subject matter.

Asked by: ly097-ga


I've researched your questions and have the answers.

A person's height is determined by how our genes interact with the
environment. If you live in a healthy way, you will achieve your
greatest potential height. The most important things you can do are to
get plenty of sleep, exercise regularly, eat a well-balanced diet, and
avoid alcohol and drugs.

Your body will continue to get taller until the growth plates on your
bones close. People stop growing at different ages. You might stop
growing in your mid teens. Or you might continue growing into your
twenties. How tall you get is mainly determined by how long your long
bones are.

If you believe you are not as tall as you should be, you might have
have an absence of a growth hormone. Your doctor can run tests to find
out if you lack this hormone. It's quite possible! I've found that
some symptoms of this loss of growth hormone include arthritis and a
severe changing of your facial features.

An article written by Oregon State University researchers states, "For
persons with a documented absence of growth hormone, administration of
this hormone can help them to acheive 'normal' stature, but this is
indicated only for persons clearly way below normal growth curves and
a documented (by lab tests) deficiency. Growth hormone given after
bones have stopped growing (for example at 22) would be more likely to
induce acromegaly. This is a disease seen in persons that secrete too
much growth hormone. The symptoms are significant corsening of facial
features, hyperplasia of joints and severe arthritis."

If your doctor finds that your bones are abnormally short, this can be
corrected through a process called articial stretching. Your bones
will be broken and the bone parts will be attached piece by piece to
steel rods that can increase the length of your bones, and thus, make
you taller. This is said to have a high success rate but is painful.

You may read about PFFD, a syndrome in which bones don't properly
grow. The link is

You may read one child's story about PFFD at his web site. The link is

Some doctors are against limb lengthening. This web site sponsored by
Georgetown University, writes, "WHY SOME DOCTORS ARE AGAINST LIMB
LENGTHENING: There are many reasons for this. One is prejudice against
medical procedures from other countries. I'm not kidding. One doctor
told me "they" didn't believe in anything from "foreign countries". To
make things worse limb lengthening came from the former Soviet Union,
remember the cold war thing? Add to this the arrogance that American
medicine is superior because it's American. When the Ilizarov Method
was first discovered there was some excitement and doctors quickly
began trying the procedure in the 1960's without extensive training in
the method. When they didn't get the results they wanted, American
doctors seemed to give up on the technique and decided it didn't work.
Limb lengthening is a difficult and complicated procedure and when
done by an unskilled doctor or untrained in the procedure or in how to
deal with the complications, the results can be disastrous. Some
doctors are too arrogant, full of pride, or jealous to admit that
another doctor can help their patient and they can't.

Doctors are human after all but, unfortunately, a few tend to
think they are more superior than the average human. Some doctors may
be prejudiced against the procedure. Another reason is they may
believe that you or the child's particular case may have complications
that the doctor can't surgically repair and if he can't fix it then it
can't be fixed, right? They may also be too skeptical or unsure of the
limb lengthening procedure that they won't refer the patient to a
doctor experienced in limb lengthening. One important reason may be
you as a parent or the patient. Many doctors will follow your lead in
how you are dealing with the situation. It can depend on you. If you
are demanding to know all of your options they will give you that,
some will do so reluctantly. If you seem upset and can't deal with the
situation, they will offer you the quickest and easiest solution
possible. For example, in an unrelated situation, a doctor was giving
a young boy who had very severe mental retardation a stronger dosage
of seizure medication than was needed in order to keep him heavily
sedated. The boys' mother was complaining to the doctor that she could
never keep him awake. He finally told her that he was giving the child
more medication than was necessary to keep him sedated because some
parents wanted their child kept quiet and asleep. He assumed it would
be easier on her if her child was kept sedated and that she would want
it that way as well. By the way, judging by her raised voice, he
assumed wrong. Doctors not only consider the patients needs, they,
also, consider the family's needs as well and they sometimes make
assumptions. The point is they could be following your lead on
deciding what treatment they will offer.

Not all doctors are bad, like not all mechanics are bad. Some do
wonderful work, care about the job and try to do what's best for the
individual. Some try to get as much money as they can from you and fix
it where you have to return again and again. Some simply do mediocre
work because they don't really care about the job or you, and yes,
some are bad and shouldn't be in business."

You may read this article directly. The link is

Another typical treatment is the prescription of a growth hormone.
According to WebMD, a respected medical web site, a hormone "is a
substance released by an organ or tissue that controls the activity of
organs or cells in another part of the body."

Further, WebMD, writes, "Test Overview. Human growth hormone (GH) is
produced by the pituitary gland. It is essential for growth and plays
an important role in how the body uses food for energy (a process
called metabolism). The amount of GH in the blood changes throughout
the day and is affected by exercise, sleep, emotional stress, and

Too much GH during childhood can result in excessive growth
(gigantism). Too little GH during childhood can inhibit growth
(dwarfism). However, gigantism and dwarfism can be treated if
discovered early.

In adults, excess GH is usually caused by a noncancerous tumor of the
pituitary gland called an adenoma. Excess GH can lead to an abnormal
bony enlargement of the face, jaw, hands, and feet (acromegaly).

Growth hormone can cause the release of other substances (factors)
that affect growth. One of these is insulin-like growth factor 1
(IGF-1). When the GH level is abnormally high, the IGF-1 level is
usually high as well. A test for IGF-1 may be done to confirm high GH

See an illustration of the pituitary gland.

This test is done on a blood sample taken from a vein. Two blood
samples (taken 1 day apart) may be collected.

Why It Is Done

A test for growth hormone (GH) is done to:

Determine whether a child whose growth is abnormal has dwarfism or
Help determine whether an adult has acromegaly, a condition usually
caused by a GH-secreting tumor of the pituitary gland (called an
Monitor treatment that involves use of GH.
How to Prepare

Fast and limit your physical activity for 12 hours prior to a test for
growth hormone (GH). Since physical activity can interfere with GH
test results, you may be asked to lie down and relax in a quiet room
for 30 minutes before your blood is drawn.

Certain medications can interfere with GH test results, such as
corticosteroids and estrogen (including birth control pills). Your
doctor may instruct you to stop taking these medications prior to this
test. Talk to your doctor about whether these medications need to be
stopped prior to the test.

Recent diagnostic imaging procedures using a radioactive tracer (such
as a thyroid scan or bone scan) can interfere with GH test results.
Inform your doctor if you have recently undergone any test that used a
radioactive tracer.

How It Is Done

Because the blood levels of growth hormone (GH) can change quickly,
more than one blood sample may be taken on different days.

The person drawing blood will wrap an elastic band around your upper
arm to temporarily stop the flow of blood through the veins of your
arm. This makes it easier to put the needle into a vein properly
because the veins below the band get larger and do not collapse

The site where the needle will be inserted is cleaned with alcohol,
and then the needle is inserted into the vein. More than one needle
stick may be needed if the needle does not get placed correctly or if
the vein cannot supply enough blood.

When the needle is properly placed in the vein, a collection tube will
be attached to the needle. Blood will flow into the collection tube.
Sometimes more than one tube of blood is collected.

When enough blood has been collected, the band around your arm will be
removed. A gauze pad or cotton ball is placed over the puncture site
as the needle is withdrawn. Pressure is applied to the puncture site
for several minutes and then a small bandage is often placed over it.

How It Feels

You may feel nothing at all from the needle puncture, or you may feel
a brief sting or pinch as the needle goes through the skin. Some
people feel a stinging pain while the needle is in the vein. However,
many people do not feel any pain (or have only minor discomfort) once
the needle is positioned in the vein. The amount of pain you feel
depends on the skill of the person drawing the blood, the condition of
your veins, and your sensitivity to pain.


There is very little risk of complications from having blood drawn
from a vein. You may develop a small bruise at the puncture site. You
can reduce the risk of bruising by keeping pressure on the site for
several minutes after the needle is withdrawn.

Rarely, the vein may become inflamed (phlebitis) after the blood
sample is taken. Phlebitis is usually treated with a warm compress
applied several times daily.

Continued bleeding can be a problem for people with bleeding
disorders. Aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin), and other blood-thinning
medications can also make bleeding more likely. If you have bleeding
or clotting problems, or if you take blood-thinning medication, tell
the person before your blood is drawn.



Normal results may vary from lab to lab.

Growth hormone

0–5 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL)

0–10 ng/mL

0–16 ng/mL

After physical or emotional stress (such as exercise or worry about
health problems), growth hormone (GH) levels are normally about 20 to
30 ng/mL.

Greater than normal values may mean

High growth hormone (GH) values may indicate gigantism or acromegaly.
These conditions are often the result of a noncancerous tumor in the
pituitary gland (adenoma).
Increased GH levels may also result from diabetes, kidney disease, or
What Affects the Test

High levels of growth hormone (GH) can be caused by such medications
as amphetamines, estrogens (including birth control pills), levodopa
(Larodopa, Dopar), methyldopa (Aldomet), propranolol (Inderal), and
bromocriptine (Parlodel).
Low blood sugar can cause high GH levels.
Low levels of GH may be caused by chlorpromazine (Thorazine) and
Rough handling, contamination, or inadequate refrigeration of the
blood sample can cause inaccurate test results.
What to Think About

Newer, more sensitive tests are being developed to measure human
growth hormone (GH).
Since normal levels of GH can vary widely, other tests may be done to
confirm the results of a GH test. Additional tests can determine
whether low levels of GH (which can be normal) mean the pituitary
gland is not functioning.
Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) blood levels are commonly
evaluated along with GH levels. A high level of IGF-1 along with a
high level of GH is almost always diagnostic of acromegaly. In this
case, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies should be done to
evaluate the pituitary gland. For more information, see the medical
test Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Head.
The growth hormone suppression test (also called the glucose loading
test) measures the level of GH in the blood before and after a person
drinks liquid containing a large amount of sugar (glucose). Normally,
the amount of GH drops to less than 1 ng/mL after drinking the
glucose. Levels of GH that remain high may indicate acromegaly.
The growth hormone stimulation test (also called the insulin tolerance
test) measures the level of GH in the blood before and after insulin
is given through a vein (intravenously). Normally, the amount of GH
increases after the insulin is given (in children the level should be
more than 10 ng/mL; in adults it should be more than 7 ng/mL). A GH
level that does not increase may indicate a GH deficiency.
Author Renée Spengler, RN, BSN
Associate Editor Daniel Greer
Primary Medical Reviewer Adam Husney, MD
- Family Practice
Specialist Medical Reviewer Alan Dalkin, MD
- Endocrinology"

You may read about the growth hormone treatment at the WebMD web site.
At this site you can read about why the hormone is administerd, how
you prepare for the hormone, how it works, how it feels, the risks,
and the results. The link is

You may read a medical definition of hormone online. The link is

Health Library writes that any tonics or special potients to make you
taller are typically scams, "Most tonics to increase height are
unnecessary. You should really wait till the age of 20 before getting
unduly worried about the height of the child."

You may read this section at the Health Library web site. The link is

You can read a height chart to determine how tall boys generally are
at specific ages at a Kids Growth web site. The link is

You can read a height chart to determine how tall girls generally are
at specific ages at the same site. The link is

Information about kids growing up can be found on the Kids Growth web
site. The link is

A web site that lists several articles about risks and concerns with
the human growth hormone can be found at the Child Health Monitor web
site. The link is

You may read information on the Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction
Society. The link is


Growth Hormones. Growth Hormones can be prescribed by a physician.
Typically these brand name drugs range from $150-$200 a month. If you
have insurance, these drugs will obviously be much less expensive,
depending on what your co-pay is.

Bone Lengthening

The cost of the bone lengthening procedure depends on the complexity
of the procedure and how many inches are required for growth. This
procedure can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $20,000, depending on the
overall health of the patient, the number of bones needed to be
broken, how many pieces the bones will be broken into, and how much
therapy is required afterward. This varies from patient to patient.

Proper Nutrition and Exercise

This is by far the least expensive way to improve your height. If
you're still growing, be sure to help your bones become as strong as
possible, so they'll be as long and as tall as possible.

It's important to note that I am not a physician and do not attempt to
offer medical advice. If you have questions about your specific
condition, please contact your physician.

To conduct this research, I searched the following terms: "increase
height" "medical treatment," "how much" "growth hormone," "growth
hormone" "prescription drug," "bone lengthening" procedure

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you need any clarification.
I'm happy to help.
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  1. Anonymous said...

    Can you please write a summary or simply tell me which is the best way method for me...
    I am a 18 year boy, height 5'8" with genetic potential 5'6.5" (Calculated on some website)....

    How long will i grow???

    Please mail me @

  2. Unknown said...

    i am 23 year old. my height is 5"6'. can you tell me how i can grow my height.send me reply on my e-mail id.

  3. Unknown said...

    i am 23 year old. my height is 5"6'. can you tell me how i can grow my height.send me reply on my e-mail id.

  4. Anonymous said...

    i am 23 year old. my height is 5"6'. can you tell me how i can grow my height.send me reply on my e-mail id.

  5. Anonymous said...

    The best way to grow taller naturally after the puberty is super-growth. l'm from Scandinavia and average height for males 1.85cm here it is pretty tall compared with other countries,and l was just 1.79cm 6 months ago.After having continuously used super-growth for 6 month l have added 4 inches to my height and lam 1.89cm now.Have a look

  6. Anonymous said...

    im 24 year 163cm.i hope go for
    another 3.5 i still possible to grow.i hope i can get some advice from u.

  7. Anonymous said...

    i m 20 yrs old guy.My height is 5'5" so how i can increase my body height?

    please send me mailat:

  8. Anonymous said...

    I am a Bangladeshi male of 18(1MAY2008) My height is 177.8 cm. I want to grow up to 186cm. Is it possible? My dad is about 5'9 and mom is 5'2-3

  9. Anonymous said...

    hi i jus turned 17 in april, im 5'6 and i desperatly want 2 grow to atleast 5'9 or 5'10 and atmost 6'1.
    please give me some tips or techniques by email. thanks.

  10. Anonymous said...

    hi my name is afiq,i m 17 yrs old bt i m onli at 162cm n i dun seem 2 b growing 4 the past 2 to 3 yrs already,y dad is oso abt 162 to 163cm n my mum is about 146cm,i reali do wan 2 grow taller at least until 170cm,is ther anyway?

  11. Anonymous said...

    hi im at the age of 23 and my height is 173.63cm i.e 5'7 can i grow my height still please help me out .
    Please mail me in my id

  12. Anonymous said...

    hi'all. ı am at the age of 19 and 5'5.5"(166.5cm). ı dont know my genetic potential but think my genetic potential is above my current height cos ı think my childhood and teenage could be in better conditions, anyway, if ı follow the exercises and advices written in the books do ı have a possibilty of growing a bit, if so how much? email me at please, ı am waiting for your answers.thanks,

  13. prabhupoosappan said...

    Is it possiable to grow height after 23 years?

  14. prabhupoosappan said...

    now i'm 160cm height and i also looking like above 27 years men,is there any way to improve my height,please suggest me......

  15. Unknown said...

    Hi, I am 19 and my height is 5'7.Can you tell me
    any exercises for growth of 1-2 inches

    My email:

  16. Anonymous said...

    Hi,I am 22 years old and am only 5'4, can i get taller. plz tell me any good exercise and advice me on what to eat. I shall be extremely grateful. reply at

  17. Anonymous said...

    hi my name is sukrat. when my age was abt 12 13 my ht was 5feet4o or 5feet5 but for the last 5 to 6 yrs its increased by a meager 2 to 3 inches can u give me a reason and can u also suggest a natural way to inc my ht some say that i have put on a few pounds so thats the reason can inc of wtbe the reason for non inc of ht and can my ht inc as i am 19 now

  18. Anonymous said...

    hi i am rajesh im 22 years old my height is 5.3, i want to grow atleast 3 to 5 inch pleas can you help me by giving advice how to grow>

    my email id is

  19. Anonymous said...

    hi i am 22f yr old, & my heightis 4'11, i want to become taller, as every one in my home are very tall. plzz can u help me to increase my height....(

  20. Anonymous said...

    i wish to grow 2 cm taller.. i am 156 cm now, because of my height is less than 158 cm, i couldn't apply for air stewardess job. how can i grow taller? pls give some advice & suggestion. thanks.

  21. Anonymous said...

    hi i am 23 yr old.... at 164cm i want to grow arrond 3.5 inches, is there a way?

    please send me a email at:

  22. Anonymous said...

    i'm 19 and 5'8 and my dad and my uncle are 6'1. how come i'm shorter than them ? can i still grow or is that it for me?

  23. Anonymous said...

    Hi I am 172 cm and grow 3 cm taller. I am thinking of buying grow pruducts. Do u advise me to buy grow pruducts on internet? are they useful and trustworthy?

  24. Anonymous said...

    Hi I am 172 cm and want to grow 3 cm taller. I am thinking of buying grow pruducts. Do u advise me to buy grow pruducts on internet? are they useful and trustworthy? what do u advise me to do? please send me e-mail.

  25. Anonymous said...

    Hi i'm 160cm height and i am 20 years of age,
    my dad and mom r also short,162 and 145.
    Is there any way to improve my height,can i still grow or is that it for me?
    please suggest me......
    My e-mail ID is

  26. wanted88 said...

    you need a very hard exercise every day, eat properly....

  27. nuwan said...

    plz,im 26 years old boy,my height 5' 7" plz tell me hw to improve my height,in a proper way and quickly,tnx
    mail me

  28. Anonymous said...

    Hello m 17 years old turning 18 this Christmas and i am only 154 cm i haven't grown for 5 years can i still add some inches to my would be great if you guys can help me...please email me at

  29. Anonymous said...

    i am 15 ma height is 5.5 how to increase please send me message on plz

  30. Anonymous said...

    do yoko height increaser increases the height at the ageof 20 years
    if yes what is the way for using it
    please mail me on

  31. Anonymous said...

    I am a 23 year old girl who is 4' 11 1/2" and I would love to be 5' 2". Please email me at with ways I can grow taller. Thank you so much.

  32. wanted88 said...

    its a lot of question here.....
    the most important thing more exercise, sleep properly,...

  33. Anonymous said...

    l have tried jmexy grow taller formula and it worked on me 2 inches.
    l grew after puberty

  34. Anonymous said...

    is it possible to grow height in the age of 21.
    i'm 5'7 now. admiring height of 5'9

  35. Solitary Shell said...

    is it possible to grow height in the age of 21.
    i'm 5'7 now. admiring height of 5'9

  36. Anonymous said...

    The best way to grow taller naturally after the puberty is super-growth. l'm from Scandinavia and average height for males 1.85cm here it is pretty tall compared with other countries,and l was just 1.79cm 6 months ago.After having continuously used super-growth for 6 month l have added 4 inches to my height and lam 1.89cm now.Have a look

  37. Unknown said...

    Hello i Waseem and im 18 years old and my height is 5'8 and i wana to increase my height upto 5'11 is this possible to increase my height with diffrent physical exercises.THANKYOU

    plz mail me on

  38. M@JK said...

    i am 24 male height is 5.4 how to increase please send me message on

  39. Waqas said...

    I am 16yrs old. My height is 5'6. how can i increase my height more? Please e-mail me at

  40. Anonymous said...

    Hello, I,m 28 years old.. just need 1 inch.. how can I grow taller 1 more inch.. please send message

  41. Anonymous said...

    hey this is ahmad im about to be 14 in the end of october dad is 5.7.5 and my mum is 5.5.all of the people in my mums side are short and in mym fathers side are all tall only my dads short.and my height is almost 5.4(abit less then this).I want to ask you that how much will i grow and is there any way of growing without having and medicine or stuff i mean of getting taller and my bmi is 17.7.plz rply me on my email address

  42. Anonymous said...

    hai, i am 21 yrs old, i am 5.4. i want just 4 more inchess, is there any poossiblity to increase my height, is there any equipment that will help in increasing the height, or please tell me any excerscies that will increases my height.i heard that maless will grow upto the age of 25. please help me. mail your reply to

  43. Anonymous said...

    hi m 24 yrs of age .,,can i gain som more height .,,.right now i m 5ft7-and half inches
    my father is 5ft 7 inches ,.mother 5ft 3 inchhes,..,n i want 2 gain some more height ..,is it possible ?,.,..,my email id ,.,..,.,

  44. Anonymous said...

    i am 16 year old my heigh is 5.5 how can i increase my height more Please e-mail

  45. Anonymous said...

    hi i m 21 years old. i have 176cm and i want to grow to 182. so please tell me the best way to do it. reply me by email

  46. Anonymous said...

    hi im 14 my parents are both 156cm and im only 151cm will i grow to their height?

  47. Anonymous said...

    hi im 22. im 165cm. i want to grow 173cm. is it possible?my email

  48. Anonymous said...

    good day,im abdulateef by name,age 20 and im 1.66mm i.e 5'4. it been difficult for me because all my friend are tall....pls tell me what to do to increase my height......i will be extremely happy if my request is granted.
    my e-mail address is

  49. Anonymous said...

    help me out ...want to increase ma height
    ma e-mail id

  50. Anonymous said...

    You don't need any exercises or dite. Just use super-growth that's all naturally and fast close the case.

  51. Anonymous said...

    iam 23 and i173cm iwont to be tallar plaes help me thank

  52. Anonymous said...

    is ther any way to be tallar i 23 173 iwnot be 183 pleas pleas help me

  53. Anonymous said...

    hi i am 24 yrs old female with height of 4'8. please guide me something to grow taller n which has no side effects. Reply me at

  54. Anonymous said...

    Hi I am a boy of age 19 and my height is around 5'6 . So please suggest me the ways to increase my height naturally without taking any types of pills which may cause side effects. Please reply me and I will eagerly wait for the reply.
    My email address-

  55. Anonymous said...

    I'm 23 years of age and I'm 5'3... is it possible for me to improve mi hight?

  56. Anonymous said...

    I'm 23 years of age and I'm 5'3... is it possible for me to improve mi hight?

  57. Anonymous said...
  age is 18..and my height is 4' it posible for me to increase my height?if yes then can u plz giv me some ideas about incresing height? email is

  58. Anonymous said...

    can u give me a simple food or method to grow taller....plx im 5'6.5 (i think) and would love to grow to the same height as my sister who is like 5'10.5

  59. Anonymous said...

    hi! im aman im 19 n im 5'5"
    is dere any kinda diet or exercise or something so dat i could raise 3 to 4 inches more!!
    plzz send ur reply at

  60. Sridaran said...

    hi im a 20 yr old guy and i'm 168cm tall, is there any excerxices to increase my height further... if so mail me those to my id...

  61. Aditi said...

    i'm 21 yrs old girl .ihad stop growing after puberty which took place at12. i'm 4'10.iwant to grow 5' there any natural method to grow. tell me plzzzzzzzzzplzzzzzzzzzz.people make my fun.sometime i feel very mother and father r not rich enough to spend money in growth surgey.i cry lot. sometime i feel not to live my life.plz id is

  62. Anonymous said...

    hi i am 22 years old girl. i have also stop growing after puberty, my height is 5'0.i really want to grow my height. can u plz plz,mail me some tips at my id

  63. ankit@priyank said...

    i am 16 yrs old and from since last 2 years my height has increased 1 inch........can u plz suggest me some methods , medecines or other ways to increase my height easily and rapidly................plz.,plz.,on

  64. Anonymous said...

    Hie i'm am 21 years old girl.Please tell me how can i increase my height...I'm jus 157cms.My id is
    thanks a lot.

  65. Anonymous said...
  17 yr old boy...m just 5'3. According to doctors my growth plates are closed.Can i still grow taller? any way?? plz help me out!

    ma id

  66. High Street Brands said...

    hi I m 25 year old boy height 5'8 suggest me some natural ways i.e. diet or exercise by which i can grow taller

  67. Anonymous said...

    Don't go for painful and risky limb lengthening surgery before you have tried this.

    Visit for more info.

    6 inches in 6 months has been attained by this method without any risks or high cost.

  68. Anonymous said...

    Hi. I'm 13 and i'm a girl and only 5'.. how can i grow taller? do u think i still can grow taller...?

  69. my ideas said...

    hi im haz im 21yrs old male im now 5'7inches i still like to some 2-3 inches my body weight is 65 whether can i get taller if it is how. wht should i follow plz give me a solution for it my email

  70. Anonymous said...

    im 46& 152cm,do i still have a chance to grow even an inch or two?is it possible or am i just dreaming?

  71. Anonymous said...

    hi im 16 and im 162 cm and im turning 17 on june... what are the best methods to increase my height cause i want to reach 5'8" pls help me.. email me pls at

  72. Anonymous said...

    hi i'm 22 yrs and i'm 5'4.5. so can u suggest me if i can increase my height. And also is those height enhancer and exercise books effective? If so which is best one? plz e-mail me at

  73. Anonymous said...

    hi i'm joe 28 and i am 5'5.5 can you help me getting a solution on increasing my height in fastest and safest way..tq, please mail me at

  74. Unknown said...

    Hello. I am 17 and i am going to turn 18 this jan. I am only 5feet 7 inches tall. All my brothers and sisters are taller than me. None of them are less than 5 fett 8 inches. What are the ways i can increase my height. Please mail me at

  75. Anonymous said...

    Hello. I am Pinky 30 & i am 5'.1 tall. Pls tell me a soloution on increase my height in fastest & safest way. please mail me at

  76. Anonymous said...

    hi i am 4'11. i am 13 years but my friends are a bit taller then me. i am still groing but i want to increase my speed of growth. please mail me at

  77. Anonymous said...

    hi i'm i have just turn 14 .i'm 5'2 i want to grow 5'5 !!!!1 please help........any supplement or exercise ....reply to !!!1 i'm waiting

  78. Anonymous said...

    I am 24 and a half years old man. Is there still a way for me to grow 3 or more inches? please help me.

    please mail me at

  79. u.swaroop said...
      This comment has been removed by the author.
  80. u.swaroop said...

    I am 20 now...for this may 2009 my age will be 21. Is there still a way for me to grow 2 or more inches? please help me.

    please mail me at

  81. Anonymous said...

    I'm already 26 years old, male, and I stand only 5'2". Is there any possibility that I will grow taller? Please give me some information and related sites that can help me without spending much. Thanks a lot in advance!

  82. Anonymous said...

    I am 25yr boy. My height is 162cm.Please tell me any way to grow at least 3cm...please answer me on my e-mail id

  83. Anonymous said...

    I am 17 years height is 5 feet..i want to increase my height atleast 4 inches more...tell me safest & fastest way to grow..please mail me at

  84. Unknown said...

    i am 24 years old and my height is 5.4 feet.... i want to increase my height, atleast i grow upto 6 feet. please tell me safest way to grow quickly in easiest way...please mail me at

  85. prasad p said...

    i am 23 years old and my height is 168cm.... i want grow 15cm tell me safest & fastest way to grow..please mail me at

  86. Anonymous said...

    i am 24 years old, female, and i am only 4'11" and i want to grow at least 2-3 more inches..please tell me safest way to grow quickly in easiest way...please email me at

  87. Anonymous said...

    I'm 19 n 4,11 ft female which is like ova short
    but it ain't bad where I live most girls r dat height
    but I would love to be just a few inches taller, please tell me the safest and fastest way to grow.. pls email me at, I came across sumwhere dat most girls stop growin @ 21..hope dats ryt.

  88. Anonymous said...

    i m 23 years old,nd im 5'4".how can i increase my it possible 4 me to increase height at this age....if yes plz.. suggest.nd send it to my e

  89. Anonymous said...


  90. Anonymous said...

    I m 15 years old boy and almost 16.. my height only 5'3' how to make me taller coz, my friends have mocking me! hikz.. is ther any way to make me taller fast? please send me the answer to
    I really need it..

  91. Anonymous said...

    i m 17 years old girl and my height only 5' how to make taller please tell me at

  92. Anonymous said...

    im just 18 years old and my hieght is just 5.4 and i want to grow taller for nearly 5.8 or 5.9, so please give me a advice to grow taller? send me the answer to

  93. Anonymous said...

    hi im karren.. i am filipino came from phil.. im 17 years old but my height is only 158 cm or 4'7- 4'9.. can u give me some tips to make my height increase.. please.. thankz.. here's my email add
    i'll wait your answer..

  94. Anonymous said...

    mahmaed said .....i'm 23 years old height is 164 c.m but my hand and feet are short less than normal ....can you tell me how i can grow my height? my email

  95. gleeday said...

    hi... i am a filipino from philippines. i am 19 years old but my height is only 4'9. can u give me some tips to make my height me....

  96. Unknown said...

    hi i am 17 i have not gained single cm in last 1 year...give some advise as i wanna to be little more taller....u can send it on

  97. Anonymous said...

    i am 25 years old and my height is 5.2 i want to grow 2 inch.can u give me sum tips ..

  98. Anonymous said...

    i am 25 years old and my height is 5.2 i want to grow 2 inch.can u give me sum tips ..pls mail me on

  99. Pricella Dora said...
  18 yr old my height 5'4",i want grow 1 inch more in 90 days,plz give me some tips or advice..if my age 18yr old can i possible grow a few more inch in 2-3 years before my age 20-21yr old???
    this my email

  100. Anonymous said...

    im 14 years old & i am 4' 11'' i've been this way since the beginning of last year...i think i've stopped growing.
    i want to get 7 inches taller is it possible??
    I've tried all the stretching & stuff but i still havn't grown am i doing something wrong??
    pls e-mail me at

  101. Anonymous said...

    hi height is 168cm but i wanna grow more up to 4 or 5 inches more...i'm 20 years old.. pls email me at

  102. Anonymous said...


  103. Anonymous said...


  104. Anonymous said...

    This blog is really helpful.
    I found here great info so thanks.
    I will also recommend to check the site

    This site was also very helpful for me.
    Good luck, everyone

  105. Anonymous said...


    Also get tips and information about how to increase your body height.

  106. Anonymous said...

    can height increase after 24..even a single inch.. plz rply at

  107. Unknown said...

    which type of foods should be taken for improve in hight

  108. Unknown said...

    which type of food should taken for improve hight.

  109. Anonymous said...

    I am a 15 year old boy and I am 8'5" tall.

  110. Anonymous said...

    HI I M 21YRS OLD GIRL PLZ TELL ME THE EASIEST AND NATURAL WAYS TO INCREASE THE HEIGHT ON plz............................................................... thank u so much

  111. Anonymous said...

    hi i am 21 yrs old male, and my height is 160cm only. Is it possible 4 me to increase height at this age? and is it possible 4 me to increase my height to 170cm? pls reply to Thx u so much

  112. Tim said...

    Hi there, my name is Tim, I'm an asian, and I just turned 16 recently, my height is 170cm, and I want to get to at least 180 cm, however my parents are both around 160cm, can you send an email regarding what I can do or what ways are they to get my height increased.


    Yours Sincerely,

  113. Anonymous said...

    HI i am 25 of age and my height is 5'3''.How can i grow taller.My email is

  114. Unknown said...

    i am 21 year old. my height is 5"4'. can you tell me how i can grow my height(without any medicine if possible ) .send me reply on my e-mail id.

  115. Anonymous said...

    Hi,Iam 25of age,iam very short and would like to grow tall,please tell me what to do or ways which i can increase my height and i will really appreciate.

  116. Ali said...

    hi man look
    I'm African 6,3 but i want 2 be to get to the height of 6,5-6,6ft tall, and I'm 19 years of age.
    i mentioned race coz they say dat it makes a difference in height, i used to play basketball in high school but i stopped this year and i will continue next year again in university.
    btw when i was 18 i was 187 now I'm 189+ some extra things next the 189.
    plus I'm 83kg well gained some weight coz my normal is 78-80 range.
    my body is like slim and Athletic like NBA Players when they join the league kinda body. u know what i mean.
    i got long bones big hands and big feet but i want 2 get even taller, my parents are not that tall my dad is 179-180, and mom is really short 162cm.
    but my grandys were tall and i have tall relatives too, so man what do u think will i be able to reach 6,6ft? at least an estimation or sthing.
    my email is

  117. Anonymous said...

    Hi I am a boy of age 17 from Nepal. My present height is 5"3'. I want to grow my height 5 inches more. I am in serious trouble that because of my shorter height, I am unable to take part in sports activities. plz send me some natural ideas to increase my height. My email id is THank U...................

  118. Anonymous said...

    I am a girl of age 20. my present height is 4''7'. i want to grow few inches more and is there any possibility for me at this age.If so plz send me some tips to grow taller. my mail id is

  119. Anonymous said...

    hello! im 19 years old girl and im curious if i can grow taller even few more inches cuz im so shoort :( and thats my daily problem! my last hope! my mail id is

  120. Unknown said...


  121. Anonymous said...

    can u plz tell how to increse my height, my age 21yrs,i wanna increse atleast 2inches,is there any exercises or any yoga.

  122. Venki said...

    i am just 5'7 & i am 17 completed with this march & i wana become a height of 6 can i know wt should i have 2 do 4 increase of my height & can i know the age upto which a boy can grow

  123. Venki said...

    u can email me at plz help ma na

  124. Unknown said...

    hi i am 18 complete
    and i am not satisfied with my height 5'4
    will u plz help me ...
    hw can i increase my hight(at least 2 inch more)
    which exercise is good for me?....
    which vitamins or medicine ?
    any suggestion plz

    plz mail me ur answer at

  125. Anonymous said...

    hi I'm 17, male and only 170cm. And I stopped growing at 13! Can someone please help me to get taller, atleast 175cm or 177cm, 180cm seems rather unrealistic but that's my dream hight.

  126. Anonymous said...

    There are very few programs that actually work and can help you growing taller naturally by 2-4 inches in a short time.
    Check this article for information about new and recommended guide that helped many people to grow taller naturally and safely

  127. Anonymous said...

    iam 21 my height is only 5'1
    please tell me safe and natural mrthod to increase height
    please rply me on my id .

  128. Anonymous said...

    i'm 20 years old male! i'm just 5'6" which i think is too short for male. so i want to increase my height and erase out my depression soon. will it work?

  129. Ashutosh Vishnoi said...

    am 23 year old. my height is 5"6'. can you plz plz plz tell me how i can increase some inches to my height.Plz send me reply on my e-mail id.('m eagerly waiting..

  130. Anonymous said...

    cant someone just answer the q's on hereso theyre open for all?

  131. Anonymous said...

    hi am 21 year old girl and my hieht is 4.11 how i can increase it to 5.5 plz plz plz reply on my e-mail and give me some suggestions.( will be waiting for your kind suggestions.

  132. Anonymous said...

    i'm 17 years old, i'm a girl, my mom's height is 1.65 m and my father's height is 1.78 m. MY height is 1.57 m . i want to reach my mom's height. can i?

    thank you for your response.

  133. Anonymous said...

    i am 19 years old girl.My height is 5.3.can i grow more? please tell me all tips to grow. i want to be 5.7.
    my email is

  134. Anonymous said...

    im 21 yr old female my height is 5.2 inches
    i want to grow 2 -3 inches more plz suggest me the method no surgical plz
    reply me at

  135. Anonymous said...

    im 19 years old and im about 5foot 6 is there any way i can grow taller plz email me plz help me...

  136. Anonymous said...

    I'm 17 years old,my height is 5'1 inches but I want to grow 3 inches more. Can you please send me your answers in my email at

    I'll wait for your answers.

  137. Anonymous said...

    i am 23 year old. my height is 5"6'. can you tell me how i can grow my height.send me reply on my e-mail id.

  138. Anonymous said...

    i am 23 year old. my height is 4"9'. can you tell me how i can grow my height.send me reply on my e-mail id.Plss

  139. Saaim for India said...

    hi im saim im under height and under weight please tell me measures to have a increment in them

  140. Anonymous said...

    I am 16 years old. My height is 5'4''. please suggest any natural ways of increasing my height. Please reply in my

  141. Unknown said...

    My height is 5'2" how i increase my height?

  142. Anonymous said...

    I am 32yrs boy. My height is 164cm. Please tell me any natural way to grow at least 4cm... please answer me on my e-mail ID

  143. Anonymous said...

    i am 19. my height is 5feet 7 inches please tell me how can i increase my height upto 5'10''.
    my email address

  144. michael said...

    hi, I'm male. 17 years old. my current height is 5"9 and my genetic potential is 6"0. I'm very avid to get my genetic potential. could you help me?

  145. Anonymous said...

    I am 25yrs boy.My height is 5'3" how i increase my height?Please tell me any natural way to grow at least 4".. please answer me on my e-mail ID

  146. Anonymous said...

    hi,my height is 5"1 and i am 22 yrs can i increase my height upto 5"4.PLease reply me to

  147. Anonymous said...

    hi, i'm 5''11 i'm 18. still will i grow taller?

  148. Anonymous said...

    A few things that help...
    I was 5’7 at 23. now I am turning 24 in a month and I am 6'0. I grew the most during last summer because I actually started using super-growth height enhancer 6 month course.
    the following helped me and still help:
    1) Drinking at least 2 big glasses of milk a day.
    2.) playing basketball and going swimming. Basketball really helps, and you should also work out your calves and thigh muscles, that helps too.
    3)Eat alot, because when I started to get taller I didn’t gain a pound but I looked skinnier.
    4) this is another natural solution to grow taller.

  149. Anonymous said...

    does grow taller for idiots work?

  150. Anonymous said...

    i am 21 years old..i am 163cm der any natural way to increase my height

    send me reply-

  151. Anonymous said...

    I am a 17 year old 1,72 cm im turning 18 in february can you tell me some tips how can i increase my height , All the best

  152. Anonymous said...

    I am currently 17 years old and i'm approx 164 cm. My close friends and relatives say that i'm short for my age. So i was thinking of ways i could increase my height. Can someone please talk to me on this? im confused!

    my msn is :

  153. Anonymous said...

    i m 19 years old, my height is very short
    pls tell me some tips how to increase height
    n tell me pls cycling is the best for increase height or not
    reply me on-

  154. Anonymous said...

    hi im 22. im 165cm. i want to grow 173cm. is it possible? pls help me my email id is

  155. Anonymous said...

    hi.... my height is 5'1". bcuz of my small height i am in depression bcuz i am goin to marry next year and the boy is 5'10".. please please help me... i want to reach upto 5'6"..
    email on

  156. Anonymous said...

    hiiii sir i am 24 yr old and m a girl i want to increase my height as i am juz 5'4 ..i juz wanna increase 2 to 3 inches more...hw can i increase plz suggest me the natural way..

  157. Anonymous said...

    Hello Sir, im 18 yr old girl my height is 152 cm i want to increase my height at least 4 inches can you suggest me plz, avoid telling about medicines, plz help my email id is

  158. Anonymous said...

    hi im 18 year old and im 165 cm i want to increase my height at least 20 more cm s pls send me an email with guides pls no medicine stuffss my id pls pls and pls

  159. Anonymous said...

    hi i am j.b.patil iam 23years old my height is 5.4feet how can i improve my height naturally for about 10 to 15cm please suggest me to the email id

  160. Anonymous said...

    hi...i m 19 year old height is 5 feet 5"...i want to increse my height to 5 feet 10" can i do this naturally...???plz reply me at

  161. Anonymous said...

    Ellow Im 17 going on 18 year old gal and im 5'0ft tall. I hate my height my dad is 6'0ft tall. I would like to grow at least 3 or 4 inches to be 5'4 or 5'3. Is it possible I can still grow and are there ways I can increase my height for sure?

    Please contact me as soon as possible,

  162. Anonymous said...

    Hi,i am 22 years old and my height is 5 feet 5".I want to increase my height to 6 feet.Is there any natural way to increase my height?please reply me at

  163. Anonymous said...

    Hi I m kartik,

    i m 24 yrs old my hight is 5.1" i want to incrise my hight give me some advise on

  164. Adrian said...

    Hello there! I am Adrian, male,1m 73cm, 24 1/2 yrs old, caucasian, toned body. Can I really grow some more?

    Waiting for a sign :)
    pls respond to

  165. Anonymous said...

    Hello, I am 21 1/2 years old and almost 5'6. Is it possible for me to grow to at least 5'9?

    my e-mail:

  166. Anonymous said...

    Hello.. i`m 22 with 163cm height can u suggest to grow at least 2 inches.............???

  167. stalin said...

    hai sir iam 4.5 height but weight is 65 so looks un tall so how to improve my height by tips so please kindly request so please send my email

  168. Anonymous said...

    Hi .
    This is sulaiman and my hight is too short i am 20years old and my hight is only 4.11 ... pls tell me how can i grow my high ... pls send mail to

  169. Unknown said...

    this is andy i m 17 years old amd my height is 5 feet i want to increse my height 4-6 inches .......pls teel me how can i grow my height...pls send mail at

  170. Anonymous said...

    can ah 20 year old and up can grow in height after the epiphysis of the long bone had closed?? or there are any possibilities,,like techniques or method that can be use except,,surgical operations,,i mean the natural way,,thanks,,

  171. Anonymous said...

    can ah 20 year old and up can grow in height after the epiphysis of the long bone had closed?? or there are any possibilities,,like techniques or method that can be use except,,surgical operations,,i mean the natural way,,thanks,,

    email me,,

  172. Unknown said...

    Its me Mani, im 22 years old and my height is 170cm and my weight is just 60KG…i need to increase it to 6.2″ .so telme? what shall i do?
    wel my diet is not good enough and i oftenly sleep early, Use to sleep at mid night for just 4hors. so telme?
    i hope u telme appropriate exercise and efficient diet which directly effect on my height and health


  173. Anonymous said...

    Aslam o Alikum!
    i'm 24 year old boy. I'm 5.4 tall now but i want to grow at least 3 inches more. please, if thre is any way to gain this height then email me. i shall be gratefull to u.
    email: mjavit123@gmail

  174. Unknown said...

    this is narendra .i am 18 years old ,my hight is 5.2 .I want to increase it for at least 5.8 .what can i do for that?please suggest me some thing
    my EMAIL address is
    please.............. give me some suggetions

  175. swapnil said...

    JUST 5.6 TALL.

  176. Anonymous said...

    taller shoes
    elevator shoes for men
    height increasing shoes

  177. Anonymous said...

    Hii,i am 22 year old ,My height is 5.3 n my younger brother's height is 5.8 ..i want to increase my to 5.7 or 5.8 is it possible to increase height at this age plz suggest on my email id

  178. Unknown said...

    hiiiiii ia m 17 n nw going to 18 my height is stopped nw, is it possible to increase my height. peoples makes fun... my heght is 5'2 iwant 5 inches more can u give me some adcvice on my email

  179. Anonymous said...

    hi im a male 15 years height is just 4'7". The doctor said , my growth cells were closed...Is there a solution to my problem??Please help

  180. Anonymous said...

    teri maa ki choot

  181. Anonymous said...

    hi iam male 19 years height is just 5'8(174 cm).i want to grow another 3 to dad's height is 5'10.please help email id is

  182. Anonymous said...

    hey guys...... m akriti khan 26..
    m 5'4 i wana increase my height...
    plz post me sm tips my id is
    i wil b highly obliged.

  183. Anonymous said...

    hi I'm female 18 yrs. old and my height is 5' there a way I can grow 5-6 inches?it would be a great help if you could give me me pls..ariz_punk666@y.c.

  184. Anonymous said...

    hi im a 22 year old male my height is 170 cm is there anyway to increase my height atleast a couple of more cms ??
    my email:

  185. Unknown said...

    hi i m a 24 old male height is 5'6 is there any way to increase my height atleast 3inches
    i normally don't sleep at night becoz i work in my weekdays at night shift as a CSE in BPO
    so we don't get a chance
    2 sleep. please suggest which could be in a physical way my

  186. Unknown said...

    hi i am 22years old my height is 5'4 is there any way to increase my height atleast 2 inches...
    i sleep late at night and do take fast food....
    please i need to increase my height badly...
    please help me
    please suggest at

  187. Anonymous said...

    m a girl with the height of 157 cm n my age is 17 ...can i still grow to atleast 163cm ???

  188. Anonymous said...

    hi i'm jack 29 and i am 5'7 can you help me getting a solution on increasing my height in fastest and safest way..tq, please mail me at

  189. Anonymous said...

    I am Mohan 22 year old, my height is 5'3". can u tell me how i can grow my height 5'6".
    My Father height is 5'6" and My Mother heigh is 5".
    please help me , my E-mail id-

  190. Anonymous said...

    Hey?,M at the age of 17 en standing 5'4 the sex is male, can u give me any possible option that i may increase my height naturally?.. M aiming for the height of 5'9 or much more than that..

    keep me posted at this email:

    thanks so much, hoping for ur kind concern..

  191. Anonymous said...

    Hey, I a boy 19 years.My height is 168 cm.Like all other here i also want the solution of increasing my height.

    Mail me at

  192. Ajit said...

    i am 21 years old & my height is 5.5. how height increasing.solution plz send to my mail id

  193. Anonymous said...

    hi i am 20 years old..& my height is about 5'5....please give me some tips to increase my height to about 2 to 3 inches email address is

  194. Unknown said...

    hi im imran from india and i am 23 yr old.... at 5'2" i want to grow arrond 3.5 inches, is there a way?


  195. Unknown said...

    hi im navin from indian am 23yrold at 5'3" i want to grow arround 2 to 3 inches if there is possible..... plzz give me a reply at

  196. shishir bharti said...

    i am 24 year old. my height is 5"6'. can you tell me how i can grow my height.send me reply on my e-mail id.....

  197. Deepika Nilanthi said...

    i'm 25 years old and 4'11" height. I want to increase my height from 3" more. Can you help me. Reply to

  198. mayank said...

    hy myself mayank,i m 16 yrs old n my height is 5'6..........suggest me to increase my want to increase my height to 5'10

  199. Anonymous said...

    im 26 years old my height 158cm i want to increase my height to 165 cm please help me give me solution replay to

  200. Anonymous said...

    i am 22 years old and i have stop growing and i am only 5' there any effective medicine name without side effect for growing more height...only any alternative methods...plz mail me at

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