Ways to Grow Taller ( Third Week)

- Standing position.
- Stand as straight as possible, arms along side the body, hands open.
- Place feet at a forty-five degree angle, heels touching each other.
- Raise your arms sideways as you lift yourself to a tip-toe position.
- Hold this position for at least three (3) seconds.
- Notice the position of the hands and feet:
- Thumbs and heels are touching tightly.
Don’t forget: INhale through the nose when lifting, EXhale through the mouth when lowering.
- Standing position. Feet well apart.
- Long bar or hockey stick resting on the shoulders.
- Stretch upwards as high as possible.
- Bend to the right side exhaling through the mouth.
- Hold this position for at least three (3) seconds.
- Return to centre inhaling through the nose. Stretch for three (3) seconds.
- Bend to the left as you did for right side.
N.B: Do not move your hips and keep your legs stiff during this exercise.
- Standing position. Feet apart.
- Using a weight of not more than five (5) Lbs (2 Kg) or a dictionary.
- IMPORTANT: Arms remain extended and upright.
- Bend forward exhaling through the mouth.
- REMEMBER: The forward stretch must last at least three (3) seconds.
- Return, stretching backwards inhaling deeply through the nose.
- Stretch back further, saying “I AM GROWING”.
- This is another excellent growth exercise which adds to your height, so long as you concentrate and execute the procedure PERFECTLY
Exercise 12:
- Lie down on your back.
- Stretch out your arms above your head as much as possible – face the palms of your hands upwards.
- Bring in your right knee to your chest while stretching your left leg outwards as far forward as possible.
- Now bring in your left knee to your chest while stretching your right leg outwards as far forward as possible.
- Repeat and alternate for any fixed number of times.
- Notice that the legs never touch the floor and the toes are pointed outwards.
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You can increase your height by 3 inches in just 3 months. I have added it too without any effort. www.your-growth.com
can this work for 10 year olds ???
if this can ! yipee cos i m a 10 year old and short like abt 135 to abt 148 sooo please say if this can work !! :)
hello, i m twenty two female, five three feet, and have been doing this excercise for two weeks. i havent seen any chage at all. i would like to know if this really helps, please write back as soon as u can. i am gonna carry on with the sretches, it wont harm besides i m really hoping to see results, but please tell me if this really works, i have been doing them every day ten each or sometimes fiften and some days five. is that enough, write to me as soon as possible, i have to know for sure if it helps
Anonymous said... 12:41 PM
hello, i m twenty two female, five three feet, and have been doing this excercise for two weeks. i havent seen any chage at all. i would like to know if this really helps, please write back as soon as u can. i am gonna carry on with the sretches, it wont harm besides i m really hoping to see results, but please tell me if this really works, i have been doing them every day ten each or sometimes fiften and some days five. is that enough, write to me as soon as possible, i have to know for sure if it helps
10 each is not enough do them atleast 30 to 40 each and make sure to eat healthy u need to take in a suffecient amount of calcium for your spinal desks to grow and finally u need to sleep properly atleast 8 hours.
good luck !
iv done them for about 6 weeks and i grew 2 inchs they really work.
Just wanna know. The guys who have seen an increase to their height. How old are u guys? Are you guys in your teens or have u past puberty?
im past puberty 19 years old and i added on height .
Hi there. I`m 16 years old guy, my height is 5`7. I`m from Asia Minor.
I have been doing the exercises for 2 weeks. During the first week I perfomed them three times a day, half an hour every time.
After the first week I could already see the differance - I`ve gained 1 centimeter. (though I`m not quite sure about it because I haven`t cut my hair for a very long time and really need a cut)
Due to a lack of time I perfomed the eerciss for only one time for 45 min during the second week. I`m not quite sure, but after the second week I seem to be a bit taller (by 0,5 cm) (probably my hair could have got more abundant and maybe I seem taller only due to it...)
Now my question is - if I continue to do these exercises once a day for 45 min, will I grow? Will this be enough?
Anonymous said... 9:28 AM
Hi there. I`m 16 years old guy, my height is 5`7. I`m from Asia Minor.
I have been doing the exercises for 2 weeks. During the first week I perfomed them three times a day, half an hour every time.
After the first week I could already see the differance - I`ve gained 1 centimeter. (though I`m not quite sure about it because I haven`t cut my hair for a very long time and really need a cut)
Due to a lack of time I perfomed the eerciss for only one time for 45 min during the second week. I`m not quite sure, but after the second week I seem to be a bit taller (by 0,5 cm) (probably my hair could have got more abundant and maybe I seem taller only due to it...)
Now my question is - if I continue to do these exercises once a day for 45 min, will I grow? Will this be enough?
yes but you have to be patient as its sort of
impossible for someone to gain 1 cm per week or else u would gain 24 cms out of these excersizes which will unlikely happen .. just carry on for 6 months and stop measuring your height all the time untill you're done from the 6 months then u can tell if uv gained height or not.. you're meant to gain atleast 2 inchs at the end of the 6th month.
everything else is fine you seem to do it properly just continue the way u are right now.
good luck.
i;m 21 yrs old girl.is it necessary o do1 week exercise with2 week....how much can one grow maximum after mine age
hi i'm 16 years old would you help me how to become taller?because i stand just 4'9?...please help me on my problem?
hi ummm i was wondering how long do you have to do the workout and how much do you have to do per work out session? oh and also do you have to do all of them or just 1? please reply ^_^
hi im 23, what are the ways i should follow to grow taller?
no way
hi i am male, i gonna turn 19. is it possible to grow?? if so pl say the ways.
this program sucks madd ass nobody try it it doesnt work
GO TO www.growtaller.com
yo desprite people if you really want to get taller do chin ups and pullups for two months,30 minutes a day. It streches out your spine and legs . Also you will build lean muscle. Go to www.buyirongym.com to get your pullup bar guys. It will really work.
P.S they sell those pull up bars at Target!!!
You must know that 70% of youre height is dependent of youre gens and the other 30% is dependent of how healthy you eat and if you are doing sports.....and so on. So you can do ssomething to increase height, but you have to be under 20 for man and under 16 for girls.
Whit exercise you increase youre HGH level that makes you grow. I have the same problem and i have done a lot of research and the best thing of all is Arginine Pyroglutamate/Lysine... it will increase youre HGH level for more then 150 % and it will stay high for several hours.
The choice is youre if you want to do something about it.
hai,i am female of 14 years. my parents are short. it is affecting my hight. please tell me will it work for me?
Find out here:
I am 19 years old girl my height is just 4 feet 10 inch can I grow taller now
you had taught do a exercise with the help of a wait does it restrict of height then
Im 16 years old and about 6' 2'' will these exercises help me grow as much as will help shorter people. Basically, is it for everyone or for people that are under the average 6' 0'' mark?
im 13 and i model. when i grow up, i hope to be able to do runway. to do runway u need to be at least 175cm and right now im 156. i havent had my period, and my family usually grows late, but i wanted to know if someone could tell me if this would work on me and if there is anything else to help me besides taking extra hormones or whatever
btw its me again from right above, the 13 year old
my parents are 182 and 178
after using a program for 4 months supply, i had increase my height from 5'6 to just below 6'0, it was like a miracle rly i couldnt believe my eyes, but im so glad i did it, it changed my love life and career and the height guide was SO PERFECT lol!!!! anyways im ordering another supply for my boyfriend (so we can be proportionate height) from heightsecrets.com
Don't tell me you have to do these exercises more than 10 times each ! lol whos got the time to do that lol
Hi .. I am male 19.. I am 1 meter 63 cm..
I am taller than my mother, but my father is very tall, about 1,90. I am training Karate.
but I dont know why am I so short.. please help me what should I do to be taller !!!!!
I've been doing these exercices and others, and it worked. In two/three weeks (some days I didn't do them) I grew up about 5cm.
Do these exercise just stretch your spine? Or does it make your whole body grow? Plz answer
I am having trouble understanding "Exercise 11" on the "Third Week". Do you bend exactly as shown on the picture(because that is uncomfortable) or do you bend downwards as if touching your feet?
I am a 36 years old woman. does it work for me too?!
.hey ..
you will be not taller anymore cuz u are already 22 ..
honesty female stop growing if the pass 18
if they pass 18
hi im 18 years old....does height growth stop after 18 for boys... ??
i m 25 can i increse my height???? my height is 165cm ,
i'm so short and i want 2 become tall....
bt hw long does it takes to become tall if i follow a few ways 2 become tall.??...
hello i am 18yr old and i am 5.6" tall do this stretching will help me to grow around 2-3inches and i also want to know good balanced diet that can help to grow faster along with this exercises
can this work for 16 year olds?
can somebody help me with the 3rd exercise of week three?? how much do u have to bend?? do we have to touch our toes??
also i have been doing these exercises for about two weeks now and i have perhaps gained just a cm...and i am 16.. shud i continue(i am 5' only)
Eating the right foods and getting adequate nutrition. The best way to ensure you get everything you need to grow after puberty is to have a varied and healthy. Try to eat plenty of low-fat meat and seafood, because they are high in protein and calcium. Calcium is also found in many dairy products like milk and yogurt. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables guarantees you get all the vitamins and minerals you need to become larger.
Human growth hormones production will be sufficient if you associate it with exercise and healthy lifestyle too. Keep it up!
How To Grow Taller
Hey, i just turned 18 and i am 172 Cm (5.64"), I do alot of heavy weight training, and i have been doing some strechting execrises for quite some time, but i dont see any diffrent, the last month, do you think i should stop the weight lifting?
hey i am 5'6 and 14 years old...i need to gain my height by at least 4 inches in 3 months !!! is it possible ??
my mom is 5'5
my dad is 6'1
please reply :):):):)
Hey guys ... m 17 yr old gurl wd height 5 inches .... i want to b 5"4' z it possible ? M really helpless abt it ....24x7 i kerp thinkin abt it ... plzz guyss help me ! What shld i do to gain 4 inches in 2 3 months ?
hi there...i'm 18 and my height is only 5 feet .it is possible to increased my height??? somebody said to me that because my parent were short.my dad is 4'9' and my mom is 5'1'. so it is possible for me to grow more?? please reply...
i can't see the image...plzzz help
i m 16 year old i have not started these exercises yet but have reached puberty and i am 4'9 if i perform these will i get tall as i feel too much inferior and will they hurt my spine??????
I am really amazed by the substance conferred. It is Useful but if people affirm this in the appropriate conduct.
Adelina Dichiara
Wow, so many info here.
when i grow up, i hope to be able to do runway. to do runway u need to be at least 175cm Skoinlägg and right now im 156. i havent had my period, and my family usually grows late,
I can't see any of the photos or weeks after 14 , can you help me??
I'm 14 years old , and my high : 159cm , Is it true that I can't become 175 ??????
I hope it'll work for me. I'm an asian girl and I'm turning 16 in a month+. I'm a late bloomer and got my period between 13-14 (I got made fun a lot cos I was late), i had a growth spurt about half a year before I got my period and half a year after i got it. From 4'11 to 5'5 (I was 5'5 when i turned 14). I grew 1 inch in the year after that one year super growth spurt (so 5'6), and now it's a year after being 5'6 and I'm about 5'7. I want to be 5'8 though D: My dad's 5'8 and mom's 5'3 so no worries :) it's not just based on your parents' heights, it can be from your other relatives.
I have increased my height by 2 inches over the last year and now im stuck on 5"5. Ive been trying to gain another 2 inches but im not but i will keep trying
To Grow Taller It’s Possible! If growing taller is your goal, let me introduce you to a completely NEW Natural Grow Taller Method, Without Pills at all, Natural 100% - No Insoles and with excellent and permanent results!
One such lie is that is very widespread is this...
“After your growth stage has ended, your bones can’t grow any longer. This stage usually stops around ages 16-18 for girls and 18-21 for boys.”
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I am 16 years old this year. I am a girl. I started puberty really early so I seemed tall when I was young. But when I grew up everyone have suddenly hit growth spurt and I'm lagging seriously behind. I'm constantly being teased for being short I'm only 5'1, 1.57m and that's considered really short for teenagers nowadays. Although I am Asian I have a tall father and my mother is about my height. I wanna grow by at least 2 inches to fill in the gap that I'm lagging, or at least a 7cm =.=. Is there any tips to hit the second grow spurt or at least make me grow taller? I started jogging once in a while and take yoga my bones used to be really stiff and couldn't bend the way normal people can but now finally I could bend all my way down. But I feel that's not enough since I feel like I have stopped growing forever and is gonna be a shortie for the whole of my life which might be true since people say early
puberty could stop at the age of 16 or even earlier, I stopped at 14. I would appreciate it for life if anyone would help me. Thanks.
I have finished my period but Im still 157 and 16 now. am desperate helpppppp!!!!!!!!!1
Hi, I am 22 year old female. My height is 150.5 cm and weigh 55. I was so disappointed. But I found this website and now I am so hopeful. Its my third week. Can I grow upto 162 cm?