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FREE Tips on How To Increase Your Height Naturally, Free grow taller article, Funny picture, video, exercise, human growth hormone HGH, Yoga, limb lengthening and Many more!! Have question? Get online help or Simply go to this forum (sorry,we are moving to heightblog.com, all question will be answer at heightblog forum or post only)
a) Standing position. Heels together. Arms stretched above the head.
Fingers stretched upwards. Stretch out FULLY (maximum height).
b) Bend Over, exhaling through the mouth. Touch your toes with your fingers.
Return to the standing position, inhaling through the nose, slowly.
Why not try placing your palms to the floor, gradually?
Don’t Forget! Enjoy doing your exercises. Do them willingly, with liveliness and enthusiasm.
Congratulations for your perseverance! Success belongs to those who don’t quit. Go on!
Exercise 22:
a) Standing Position. Feet well apart.
Using a long bar, a broom handle etc.
A bar longer than the shoulder width.
Stand as straight as a statue.
b) Raise the bar over your head.
Stretch, stretch again. Still further. Turn to the right.
Return to centre, Stretch.Turn to the left.
Return to centre and lower the bar to your thighs.
Try to avoid moving your hips.
Every day, try to increase these movements a little.
Don’t be abrupt in your movements.
Work carefully, m
eticulously and gracefully.
Exercise 23:
a) Standing position. Feet together.
Arms placed along the body; palms turned to the back.
Execute perfect posture.
b) Raise your hands forwards and upwards as far back as possible; inhaling through the nose, move your right leg back as shown.
Stretch for three (3) seconds.
Return to initial position, exhaling through the mouth.
Keep your legs and arms straight and taut.
Work the right leg a number of times before changing to the le
ft leg.
Exercise 24:
a) A very good exercise for growing!
Lying on your stomach.
Place arms forwards; palms facing the floor.
b) Raise your right arm and your left leg simultaneously
Stretch and count up to three, holding your breath.
Slowly lower your leg and arm while exhaling.
Alternate: raise the left arm and the right leg, inhaling deeply.
Take note: always keep legs and arms taut.
Exercise 14:
Exercise 16:
Don’t forget: INhale through the nose when lifting, EXhale through the mouth when lowering.
N.B: Do not move your hips and keep your legs stiff during this exercise.
Exercise 12: