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How to Grow Taller With Yoga (Part 1)

Rotate the Pelvis....

Sit in easy pose. Place the hands on the knees. Deeply roll the pelvis around in a grinding motion. Relax into the movement. Make it a moving meditation.

Do 26 rotations or 1-2 minutes in each direction.

Benefits: This exercise opens up the energy in the lower spine, massages the internal organs and aids in digestion.

Spinal Flex....

Sit in easy pose. Grab the ankles. As you inhale powerfully, flex the spine forward, keeping the shoulders relaxed and the head straight. Do not move the head up and down. Exhale and relax the spine back. Continue rhythmically with deep breaths. As you inhale feel the energy go down the spine. As you exhale feel it come back up .

To end: Inhale deep, hold the breath, exhale and relax. Sit quietly and feel the energy circulate in your spine and throughout your body.

Benefits: This exercise stimulates and stretches the lower spine.

Spinal Flex On Heels...

Sit on the heels; place the hands flat on the thighs. Continue spinal flex as below with a easy breath.

1-2 minutes.

Benefits: This exercise works on the mid spine.

Side Twists...

Sit on the heels. Place the hands on the shoulders, fingers in front and thumbs in back. Inhale, twist to the left. Exhale, twist to the right. Twist your head to each side as well. Gradually feel an increased rotation in your spine. Keep elbows parallel to the ground, allowing the arms to swing freely with the body. This exercise can be done standing up,

Continue 1-2 minutes or 26 times.

To end: Inhale center, hold the breath, apply root lock, exhale, relax and feel the energy circulate, especially at the level of the heart.

Benefits: This exercise opens up the heart center and stimulates the upper spine. (Refer to the picture below)

Side Bends...

In Easy Pose, clasp hands behind neck in Venus Lock (fingers interlaced) and bend straight sideways at the waist, aiming the elbow toward the floor beside the hip. Inhale as you bend left, exhale right. Don't arch or contract the back. Bend sideways only. This exercise can be done standing.

1-2 minutes or 26 times.

Benefits: Side bends stimulate the liver and colon and increase spinal flexibility.

Shoulder Shrugs...

Still on the heels or in easy pose, shrug both shoulders up on the inhale and down on the exhale.

1- 2 minutes.

To End: Inhale up, hold, apply root lock, and relax.

Benefits: This exercise loosens up the tension in the shoulders and relaxes upper back

To be continue...

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  1. fazillefrere said...

    really, i've been searching this kind of help (for free)..thankss

  2. Anonymous said...

    There is no need to do so many exercises. Just visit to grow effortlessly.

  3. Anonymous said...

    you can grow taller naturally and fast,

    l ve tried SuperGrowth (the firs approved growth booster) and gained 2 inches in a short period of time, my age is 24, l 've tired alot of useless products before but this is the best

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    How To Grow Taller Fast And Naturally ?
    Super-Growth Heigt increasing supplements to grow taller.

  4. Anonymous said...

    How much we can gain if following the whole six month exercise shedule properly ??

  5. Anonymous said...

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  6. Tigerlily said...

    I was wondering can these exercises broaden the hips? Thanx

  7. Anonymous said...

    This series of exercises is just great!!! I've only tried it one day so far and I can feel the difference and the it does feel like the results would be promising. Great work.

    In addition to exercises, you need proper food (proteins, carbs vitamins...), proper sleep (7-10 hrs) actual growth and muscle recovery happens during a peaceful sleep and no smoking for sure. Think abt doing all the work and in the end just not let the cells grow coz of all the carbonmonoxide in ur blood coz of smoking!!!

    Good luck.

  8. Anonymous said...

    hang yourself upside down 10 - 20 mins everyday
    sleep 8 -10 hrs a day.
    eat more sea foods ,meat and yogurts
    do hip and lower back stretches and play basketball
    Think positive , yoga and pilates help as well
    watch your breathing and
    if you want to grow with a natural product use ..Voice of experience..

  9. Anonymous said...

    whoever said to go to is an idiot. im not going to pay for pills that i dont know will work

  10. Anonymous said...

    nothing will happen with all this crap huh

  11. Anonymous said...

    can i grow taller with this exercise

  12. wanted88 said...

    yes, you can!!

  13. Anonymous said...

    what is a root lock

  14. Anonymous said...

    I think these exercises are good for strength, and flexibility but not for growing taller. It might help your spine from compressing and being shorter but not for growing.

  15. Anonymous said...

    lol advertisement in comments, how sad.

  16. Anonymous said...

    fuck off u all

  17. Shashidhar said...

    no question only answer nee pukulo naa sulli

  18. Anonymous said...

    stupid ass people. get a life. play outside and just eat right.

  19. Anonymous said...

    fuck height. wear elevator shoes. use human growth hormone. if your short. am i right? please correct me if i'm wrong.

  20. Anonymous said...

    i m just 18 yrs old girl but my height is only
    4 '9' dont know how to grow taller plz tell
    my address is

  21. Anonymous said...

    This height gain stuff does work. I can't vouge for what they're selling here, but with the help of a chiropractor along with improving my posture and some of my own stretches, I've added three inches to my height going from 5'6" to 5'9".

  22. Anonymous said...


  23. Anonymous said...

    lousy retards

  24. Anonymous said...

    does this actually work has anyone grown taller from these exercises.

  25. Anonymous said...

    roflcopter soi soi soi

  26. Anonymous said...

    so how long do u hav 2 do these excercises for?

  27. Anonymous said...

    i used so many of proudcts but no result,how can you say that i will work on me?

  28. Anonymous said...

    im only a 14 yrs old girl i just turned 14 1 month ago and i think i am 4"9 tall , i want to grow up to 5"6 tll but i dont know what i can do :(
    please please i beg u, any of uu do u hav any tips for me to grow up to 5"6 plsz tel me and ill pray for uu =3

  29. Anonymous said...

    i dunno bbe
    jus i realy dunno what to do mii self hun im about ur height and age im about in the same situation as uu hunnii

  30. Anonymous said...

    can i really increase my height by doing these exercises?plz people help me i m 19 year old girl and i m 5. i wana be 5.4,can somebody seriously help me plz???????????

  31. Anonymous said...

    hello i m Ankit from surat
    my height is 5.3" so i want to increase my heifht as soon as possible,i m 21 years old so help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  32. Anonymous said...

    im 19 and four months ago i was 5'6 but after getting on a strict plan i went to almost 5'8. Foods had to be rich in calcium and protein, i slept for like 9 hours eahc night, i kept a 100% strait posture and back always and i exercised, stretched and lifted weights along with using a height system, 2 inches in a few monbths in total and i was quite young too, worked for me, see for urself fellas

  33. Anonymous said...

    i hope this works!!!

  34. Anonymous said...

    umbiko mone/mole...
    ithokke cheythal body poyittu andi polum valuthavilla...

  35. NiftyIndia said...

    I want to increase my height bu 1 inch will it be possible i am 21 please help me

  36. Anonymous said...

    i'm 24 old please help me, how to increase my height 3inches in few months .
    please please.kindly informed that make sure & take care of us for NO SIDE AFFECT for all people.

  37. Anonymous said...

    Do I have to do EVERYTHING in Part 1 & 2 daily to increase my height? Does doing only one exercise work?

    How long does it take to see results?

  38. Anonymous said...

    this is so dumb

  39. Anonymous said...

    I want to increase my height m 16 years and 5'1:( plz tell me how to increase my height

  40. Anonymous said...

    Is there any way to grow 5 inches taller within 3-5 months time span?

  41. Anonymous said...

    i am 5'4 wich iz quite sufficient for a i wnt my height to grow 5' d thing iz tht m a lil fat n plz suggest smth....n yeah...m 16....

  42. Anonymous said...

    i just turned 14 last month...
    and i'm only i think about 4"11...
    my mom is short she's only 5ft tall...
    i don't want to end up like her...
    i wanna be 5"8 - 5"10...
    is it possible??

  43. Anonymous said...

    i am 20 year old and i am 5.3 i want to increase my height

  44. printarts said...

    hello i m Nagesh from India, Hyderabad
    my height is 5.2" so i want to increase my heifht as soon as possible,i m 22 years old so help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz my email id -

  45. Anonymous said...

    TO ALL!!!

    make the exercises and u will gain 1-5cm, not more!!! ... u must do it 2 months to see minimal results

  46. workoutstogettaller said...

    nice info..great
    workouts to get taller

  47. Anonymous said...

    Hey Great post!!! Nowaday Yoga is solving many of our health problems...Thanks for sharing yoga with benefits... :-)

    cheap memory foam mattress

  48. Anonymous said...

    how to grow height in about one month..........can just exercise be sufficient.....
    ....please help me ...........
    my id is

  49. samuel said...

    hi, iam 23, now iam 5.7" i want atleast 5.9", is there any other way to grow taller, any one is there to help naturally rather than advertise the product to buy.......

  50. sweta said...

    i m just 18 yrs old girl but my height is only
    4 '9' dont know how to grow taller plz help me. my address is

  51. Anonymous said...

    Im a 19yrs old boy but im only 5 '9". I wanna grow up 6-7 inches. is it possible. pls someone reply correctly. don't miss guide me. my address is

  52. Anonymous said...

    Great tutorial. Anybody want to grow taller fast? Visit now

  53. Anonymous said...

    I am used to do lifting wll these exercise work if i wont leave lifting

  54. Unknown said...

    I have just turned 15 and i am JUST under 5 9?, i really would like to get to 5 11?/6 foot but i want to start going to the gym and get bulky and

    fit, i wont be doing bodybuilding weights but i do want to start doing minor weights.
    How To Get Taller Fast

  55. LIYOSKIN said...


  56. LIYOSKIN said...

    The yoga is good foe healty

  57. Mica said...
      This comment has been removed by the author.

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